#2328_WSLHD_CPH_YIR 2023_4A_WEB
As a priority project since 2017 of our partnership with Blacktown City Council, this plan aims to increase community walking rates through: • Improved walkability of the environment • More walking opportunities • Awareness of opportunities to walk. Project evaluation started in 2022 with a review of walkability, continuing this year and into 2024 with: • Availability of public toilets review • A Community Walking Survey • A partnership evaluation. Evaluation of the Walking in Blacktown City Plan
2023 outcomes: 10% 2 485 7
increase in council managed public toilets open in daylight hours.
Public Amenities Network meetings annually to help facilitate this increase.
responses to the community survey. Results analysis underway.
walkability related surveys or submissions completed.
“I love the broad scope of my work and thinking about how built and natural environments contribute to health and wellbeing. Our homes, the places we live, work and play in, the Country we inhabit, are all places we are deeply attached to. I love that my role, in small measure, contributes to making them as health promoting as possible. It’s not just a desk job; our work involves a bit of everything, from thinking about tree coverage to how we move from destination A to B. It gives me great satisfaction to work in collaboration with key partners, who have a wealth of expertise that supports our work and to see our partners both within and outside of health, increasingly understand the importance of how the quality of places can contribute to improved health outcomes.”
- Helen Ryan, Coordinator Healthy Places team, Health Promotion.
WSLHD Centre for Population Health Year in Review 2023
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