#2328_WSLHD_CPH_YIR 2023_4A_WEB
What is population health? At the Centre for Population Health, we aim to support the health of everyone living within WSLHD throughout their lives. We do this by: • working with our partners to protect people from infectious disease and environmental risks in the community, helping and empowering people to stay healthy; preventing health problems, and responding when there are health issues • ensuring the places where people live, learn, work and play are healthy, to improve health outcomes and reduce unnecessary hospital visits. We look at the health of a whole group of people, not just one person. This way, we can ensure everyone in our community gets a fair chance at being healthy. Health and wellbeing can be very different for different people in society. Our job is to make these differences smaller. Learn more about what we do and population health plans.
Our team
We have a range of qualified health professionals supporting work across health promotion, health protection and health prevention to help people be healthy and to shape healthy places.
Centre for Population Health
Operations and Administration
Strategy, Planning and Engagement
Public Health
Health Promotion
Communicable Disease
Healthy Early Years
Environmental Health
Healthy School Years
Executive team L-R and below: Dr Catherine Bateman (Director, Public Health Unit), Dr Shopna Bag (Director, CPH), Janelle McNicholas (Operations Manager, Health Promotion), Michelle Nolan (Director, Health Promotion).
Healthy Adults
Public Health Response Epidemiology
Healthy Ageing
Healthy Places
Smoking and Vaping Prevention
See pages 36 - 39 for our full team.
Dr Conrad Moreira (Clinical Staff Specialist)
Joann Mannion (A/Operations Manager, CPH)
Bronnie Anderson Smith (Manager, Strategy, Planning & Engagement, CPH)
New Public Health Director Dr Catherine Bateman (appointed 20 November 2023)
Dr Catherine Bateman is a public health physician, originally from the UK but has made Australia home for the over 20 years. Catherine has a background in medical anthropology and spent over a decade as a global health academic before becoming a public health physician. She has a passion for work in social equity and inclusion, environmental health, and health management. Catherine worked in Sydney LHD, South Eastern Sydney LHD, and the NSW Ministry of Health before coming to WSLHD as a Visiting Medical Officer in December 2022 and as Acting Director - Public Health Unit from 19 June 2023. She is undertaking an MBA at University of Sydney and is working towards Associate Fellowship from the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators.
WSLHD Centre for Population Health Year in Review 2023
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