#1856_SESLHD_Health Promotion_YIR 21-22_4A_WEB

Live Life Well @ School

Key achievements: 169 primary schools participated in the program.

166+ teachers attended professional development webinars on topics including Traditional Indigenous games, Inclusive physical activity and teaching literacy and numeracy through physical activity.

117 primary schools participated in a range of whole of school health promotion events , including ‘Vegetable Week’, ‘The Big Vegie Crunch’, ‘Fruit and Veg Month’ and ‘Brain Breaks Classroom Challenge’. Translated healthy lifestyle factsheets for culturally and linguistically diverse communities including Mongolian, Bangla and Chinese speaking communities.

“Students looked forward to Brain Breaks every day. By increasing the amount of physical activity opportunities across the school day, I observed my students’ showing signs of increased attention and productivity.” – Year 4 Classroom Teacher

Translational Research Grants (TRG) This year we secured funding for two separate TRGs that we will support implementation of in 2023. SWAP IT supports parents and carers to SWAP what is packed in their child’s lunchbox. This project will assess the effectiveness of a multi-component scale-up strategy in increasing the adoption of the program within NSW primary schools. Resistance Training for Teens is a school-based foundational resistance training program, developed by the University of Newcastle. The program aims to engage adolescents in muscle-strengthening and health and fitness activities consistent with national guidelines.


SESLHD Health Promotion Service – Snapshot 1 July 2021- 30 June 2022

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