Gateway Newsletter / JUL
Getting up close and personal
We s t e r n S yd n e y A i r p o r t a n d b u l k e a r t hwo r k s c o n t r a c t o r CP B A c c i o n a h e l d a c ommu n i t y o p e n d a y o n S u n d a y 1 8 Ap r i l 2 0 2 1 .
“We are happy with the feedback received and welcome more opportunities for the community to come and learn about the project, but there is always room for improvement. It is about providing information, hearing back from the local community on our progress and having some fun too”, said Project Director, Matt Brecht.
Numbers were restricted due to COVID however, we were able to safely host more than 400 members of our local community at the site compound. Activities included learning about the site’s indigenous heritage and sampling bush tucker, climbing on some of the equipment, driving an excavator via our training simulator and learning about Airport construction. Some of the local emergency service providers also attended to share information about their services. Another open day is planned for later this year. The day will be promoted through WSA’s various communication channels, such as this newsletter and social media.
“ We climbed on equipment, dug for artifacts and had a great time with the kids.”
How do you rate your overall experience at the Community Open Day? Average 4.43/5
How do you rate the activities held at the Community Open Day? Average 4.17/5
How do you rate the information available on the day? Average 4.22/5
How satisfied are you with the ongoing communication and notifications from Western Sydney Airport? Average 4.3/5
12 » Gateway Community Update July 2021
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