Gateway Newsletter / JUL
S t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t t e rm i n a l b e g i n s i t s n e x t p h a s e o f development
The design is an evolution of the initial concepts released two years ago that you may have already seen. Western Sydney Airport (WSA) Chief Executive, Simon Hickey says, “ this will be Australia’s best airport terminal, unlike anything seen before in this country. Our design also reflects the fast, easy customer experience that Western Sydney International will offer passengers”.
On Friday 4 June 2021, the contract for the construction of the Western Sydney International Airport (WSI) terminal was officially awarded to Australian-founded company Multiplex following a competitive procurement process. The final designs were unveiled, creating a new benchmark for what passengers can expect when they fly from WSI. The design draws on Australia’s natural beauty, the region’s rich Aboriginal heritage and strong sustainability principles.
4 » Gateway Community Update July 2021
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