Allied Health Strategic Plan
■ 16 allied health professionals are enrolled in higher degree research. ■ 5 people undertaking PhDs have received career development scholarships, from Westmead Charitable Trust, valued at a total of $300,000. ■ WSLHD allied health staff achieved 130 publications in peer reviewed journals across 2020/2021. ■ Allied health received over $3 million in new participating in a $2 million NHMRC Grant Funded Research Project The Get Healthy Coaching Service to reduce the burden of low back pain: effectiveness, cost effectiveness, and implementation. ■ National Allied Health Conference, August 2021 saw 10 presentations delivered from WSLHD allied health. Topics included: health literacy, clinical education, COVID19 response, telehealth. ■ Allied health research newsletter being published on a quarterly basis to showcase excellence in research practice across the LHD. research grants between 2019-2021. ■ Westmead Hospital physiotherapy is
■ Allied health research biennial report 2020 was published and disseminated across WSLHD and partners. With a focus on providing information about translation of research into practice which was well received. ■ The Professor of Allied Health ran a six part series online research methods course in March – April 2021 with over 50 allied health and nursing staff attending. ■ A position statement for value of allied health research in Australia, embedded in health services was launched at a pre-conference workshop to the National Allied Health Conference, led by Professors of Allied Health from around Australia including the WSLHD Professor of Allied Health: https://
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