Allied Health Strategic Plan
Strategic Priority 4 EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE
■ Allied health professional and operational governance is strong with Facility Directors of Allied Health appointed at Westmead, Blacktown/Mt Druitt, Auburn and Drug Health. ■ Allied Health Workforce Manager has been established to support evidence based workforce planning across the LHD. ■ Allied Health COVID-19 Casual Pool was established with 63 casual allied health staff employed during 2020/2021 to support the LHD COVID response. ■ 43 physiotherapists were trained in critical care to support COVID workforce surge into ICU. ■ 56 allied health staff including physiotherapists, social workers, dietitians, speech pathologists and occupational therapists were identified as skilled to work in ICU. ■ WSLHD allied health clinical supervision policy reviewed and updated.
■ 40 allied health managers enrolled in the Managers Capability Program targeting core skills in managing people, processes and performance. ■ Aboriginal podiatry role created and in process of recruitment. ■ Five Aboriginal cadets were recruited in 2020 from Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy and Radiography. Three cadets have graduated from the program and been offered permanent employment in the district. ■ As at October 2021, 1.2% (17 staff) of the district’s allied health workforce identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. This is a 34% (6 staff) increase since February 2021.
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