Allied Health Strategic Plan


■ Digital Health Solutions and the Allied Health Portfolio continue to have a strong partnership and have supported clinical teams with transition to TeleHealth/Virtual Care throughout 2020/2021. ■ Allied Health supported the initial roll out of Office 365 to inform broader roll out across WSLHD with all departments now using the platform. ■ The WSLHD Allied Health Data Governance and Digital Health Committee continues to lead improvements in information management and digital health initiatives. ■ WSLHD Data Definitions for Allied Health Policy Finalised. ■ The Allied Health Activity Dashboard was updated to enable higher functionality and reporting of activity down to the level of individual clinicians. This will help services monitor and report on activity to inform service planning and performance. ■ The Allied Health Mental Health inpatient teams have been one of the first teams in the state to be trained in capturing individual patient activity into the state based v3 form. ■ Implementation of the clinician lead WSLHD LBVC Dashboard has developed clinical data analytics capability at the clinician level and is driving real time improvement in clinical indicators and service outcome metrics across value based health care clinical programs.

■ Leading Better Value Care (LBVC) has decreased admissions, preventable ED visits and avoided unnecessary surgery. FY 2020/21 data indicates ongoing improvement despite the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic: – Non admitted patient activity increased by 8.1% (19% 2019/2020). – Reduction in inpatient admissions by 2.5% across LBVC programs (5% in 2019/2020) with the exception of diabetes and COPD. – 14.9% of LBVC outpatient services were delivered virtually through 4723 occasions of service (OOS) in 2020/2021 (15% via 4068 OOS in 2019/2020). – 28 day readmission rates, average length of stay and emergency department visits exhibited a downwards trend across all LBVC programs. – Osteoporosis re-fracture rate over 4 years of patients attending the clinics in WSLHD is now 0.97%. – 29% of patients who complete 6 months in the osteoarthritis chronic care program remove themselves from joint replacement surgery lists (Deloitte forecast was 5-15%) with improved mobility and body mass index scorings. Each Joint replacement costs $35,000-$40,000. – High Risk Foot Service amputation rate shows an overall downward trend in 2020/2021 – 3.2% vs 2019/2020 - 3.8%.


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