Allied Health Strategic Plan
Progress towards achievement of Key Performance Indicators Allied health staff across WSLHD have worked extremely hard over the past 2 years to improve care for patients through delivery of evidence and value based care services, focusing on data driven performance and being responsive to the needs of our community in WSLHD. Widespread consultation occurred across WSLHD which informed development of 33 strategic objectives contained within the Plan. The WSLHD Allied Health Strategic Executive Committee subsequently developed 123 individual key performance indicators (KPIs) to enable achievement of key initiatives.
A culture of driving performance has been enabled over the past two years for allied health across the LHD using this Plan to focus on key priorities. This has been supported through ongoing performance monitoring and quarterly reporting to the District Director Allied Health with outcomes reviewed by the WSLHD Allied Health Strategic Executive Committee to refine ongoing work priorities. It is pleasing to see, despite the challenges experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic how much has been achieved with 80% of KPIs either already achieved or on track. Specific highlights are outlined in this report against each of the key Better West Strategic Priorities. There is still more work to do and in the next 12 months the focus will be on further sustaining and embedding improvements in addition to the following areas: ■ Further progress in the area of improving Aboriginal
health within allied health services ■ Disability workforce participation ■ Further integration of physical and mental health services ■ Education governance across the LHD ■ Clinical education ■ Clinical supervision of allied health staff ■ Developing capability of clinical supervisors
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