#1646_WSLHD_Centre for Population Health_YIR_PP
Adults Monkeypox vaccination
Older adults
Healthy and Active for Life Online (HAL Online) for over 60s A free, 10-week online course to engage people 60+ years and Aboriginal people aged 45+ in healthy lifestyle changes. We collaborated with partners including Councils, older adults’ services, Workers and RSL clubs to recruit participants to
The Public Health Unit worked with Ministry of Health, Sexual Health Clinicians and Blacktown Vaccination Hub to assist with rollout of a Monkeypox Vaccination Hub at Blacktown Hospital and Sexual Health Clinic. This included advising on key public health issues and strategies for improved community engagement.
HAL Online. Targeted Facebook advertising also reached over 4,600 western Sydney residents aged 60 years and over.
Between January – December 2022: 136 people registered.
At least 200 people have received Monkeypox vaccination to date.
Pasifika Preventing Diabetes Programme (PPDP) A church-based, community-owned lifestyle modification program, focusing on detection, prevention and management of diabetes. PPDP is in its recruitment and baseline data collection phase which involves engagement with local church leaders and data collection for participants including diabetes blood testing, blood pressure, diet, physical activity lifestyle habits, medication use and level of understanding about diabetes. PPDP aims to have 48 churches (including
Participants who completed pre- and post-surveys reported some great improvements following their HAL Online experience:
23% +
9% increased fruit intake.
3,600 adults and 1,000 children aged 4-17 years) in the program.
In 2022: Data collected for 509 participants. Three churches have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to participate in PPDP.
increased vegetable intake.
89% became more confident about regular activities without becoming unsteady or falling. 100% intend to continue with some form of exercise following HAL online.
34% increased days of moderate physical activity. 85% intend to engage in other exercises/programs following HAL online.
PDPP Community Lifestyle Activators, Ronda Thompson (University of Sydney) and Makeleta Felila (CPH).
Year in Review 2022
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