#1646_WSLHD_Centre for Population Health_YIR_PP
Floods and recovery help Up to 33 tourism businesses that provide a water supply to their customers along the Hawkesbury River were impacted by three flood events in 2021–22. In July 2022 our Environmental Health team provided advice and support to affected businesses to help with re-establishing a safe water supply before re-opening for visitors.
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businesses agreed to a site visit and sampling of their water supply.
businesses received support information by email.
businesses closed permanently.
Building owners, and occupiers, safety: Legionnaire’s disease Legionnaire’s disease is a notifiable condition in the Public Health Act 2010 . The Public Health Unit received 25 notifications of people who had contracted Legionnaires’ disease during 2022. Our Environmental Health team investigated all cases in the search for a potential exposure site, which involved collecting records of water-cooling systems as well as inspections and sampling of high-risk locations. The team also worked with local government colleagues to ensure affected water-cooling systems were brought into a safe condition.
25 Legionella notifications investigated including environmental investigation and risk assessment.
Vaccine training for immunisation providers
Vaccines are sensitive medications that must be stored appropriately to ensure they are effective when administered to patients. Our Immunisation team investigates, manages, and supports providers of vaccinations in western Sydney to prevent ‘cold chain breaches’ (CCBs) in vaccine storage. Using thermostability data, our team manages any CCBs and supports the providers with training to improve their vaccine storage practices. Between June 2021 – July 2022, the team investigated 97 CCBs that resulted in vaccine wastage.
Year in Review 2022
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