WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan
“…a genuinely inclusive society for people with disability, values difference and respects the dignity and equality of all human beings.” [14]
International The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, was ratified by the Australian Government in 2008 and signifies a commitment to enhancing opportunities for people with disability, to participate in all aspects of social and political life. National The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person, in many areas of public life, because of their disability. The National Disability Strategy (NDS) was released in 2010 and establishes a focus on a person-centred approach to service delivery for people with disability, improving access to mainstream services for people with disability and a mandate for inclusive planning across all levels of government. The National Disability Insurance Scheme was rolled out across Australia in 2016 and takes a lifetime approach to providing supports and services to people with disability. The Disability Standards provide additional detail on the rights and responsibilities established within the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
State The Disability Inclusion Act 2014 outlines the basis of disability access and inclusion policy in NSW, with a strong focus on choice and control for people with disability. The NSW Disability Inclusion Plan was launched in 2015 and identified four focus areas to guide disability inclusion within the state: 1. Promoting positive attitudes and behaviours 2. Creating liveable communities 3. Providing equitable systems and processes 4. Supporting access to meaningful employment opportunities. The NSW Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan is a system-wide plan, that sets out goals for the NSW Health system to better support inclusion for people with disability and to improve access to mainstream services and facilities. WSLHD The Western Sydney Local Health District 2019 Culture Strategy provides a framework for positive organisational culture within the LHD and includes the development of a DIAP as one of its diversity and inclusion strategies. Western Sydney LHD recognises that disability policy is a dynamic space and will continue to change and develop over the coming years. As such, Western Sydney LHD is committed to ensuring that the DIAP is reviewed on an ongoing basis, to be responsive to any changes in policy, legislation or from consultation with people with a lived experience of disability.
Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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