WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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WSLHD Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2021 -2024
FOCUS AREA 1: Promoting a positive attitude and behaviour regarding disability inclusion
FOCUS AREA 2: Creating liveable communities for people with disability
FOCUS AREA 3: Providing equitable systems and processes
FOCUS AREA 4: Supporting access to meaningful
employment opportunities
1.1 Meaningful consultation is regularly undertaken within the LHD with consumers and staff with a lived experience of disability
2.1 The voice of people with a lived experience of disability is embedded in the development and operation of new and existing physical infrastructure
3.1 Consumer access to assistive supports, including technology, improves
4.1 Recruitment processes within the LHD are fully inclusive for people with a lived experience of disability
1.2 The experiences of people with a lived
2.2 Accessibility to LHD facilities for people with a lived experience of disability is improved
3.2 Data collection regarding the experience of consumers with lived experience of disability improves
4.2 Staff with a lived
experience of disability are supported to receive reasonable adjustments as and when necessary
experience of disability are recognised across the LHD
1.3 The LHD promotes positive attitudes and behaviours towards people with a lived experience of disability
2.3 Services and supports for consumers with disability in the LHD are accessible
4.3 Staff with disability are supported to succeed
Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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