WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Foreword from the Chief Executive “We aim to deliver high quality, patient centred care that meets the needs and wellbeing of everyone in western Sydney.”
Western Sydney Local Health District is a vibrant growing community. Home to one of the most diverse populations, socially, culturally and economically, we aim to deliver high quality, patient centred care that meets the needs and wellbeing of everyone in western Sydney. To support the equitable delivery of services and opportunities, I am pleased to present Western Sydney Local Health District’s first Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) for 2021-2024. In development since early 2020, it outlines our commitment to build a more inclusive health system and workplace for people with disability. The DIAP outlines priorities for promoting positive attitudes and behaviours regarding disability inclusion, creating liveable communities and providing equitable systems and processes for people with disability, their families, carers and the western Sydney community. It also outlines our intent to build partnerships with people with lived experience of disability to guide service delivery and support meaningful employment for people with a disability in our district. To implement this plan, accountabilities will be set and foundations laid in order for these changes to take place. Each of us can be champions and advocates for disability inclusion–as an employee, manager, senior leader and person with disability. I look forward to leading an organisation that encourages and uplifts people with disability. Inclusivity and engagement of people with lived experience of disability, will contribute to better health outcomes and positive experiences for our health workers, patients, carers, families and the broader western Sydney community. Let’s work together to create an inclusive service and workplace. Graeme Loy Chief Executive Western Sydney Local Health District
Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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