WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Western Sydney LHD Staff
17,000+ Staff employed across Western Sydney LHD. [10] 70+ sites including Westmead, Auburn, Cumberland, Blacktown and Mount Druitt hospitals and a range of integrated care and community-based services. [11] These individuals are employed across 1.23% of Western Sydney LHD employees identified as having a disability, as of February 2021. [12]
Western Sydney LHD is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible work environment for people with disability, where they are supported by their managers and colleagues, recognised for their value and free to work without discrimination. The LHD recognises that this will require concerted action in the recruitment and retention of people with disability in the workforce, as well as improved collection processes of employment data, to understand the effectiveness of its strategies, to support people with disability.
People with disability in the NSW Public Service
In 2019, the NSW Public Service Commission announced their aim to employ 10,000 additional staff with a disability, across NSW Government. The aim is for people with disability to make up 5.6% of the total workforce. [13]
“They treat me like family, here at Westmead Hospital. It’s why I love coming to work everyday.”
“I work as a cleaner at Westmead Hospital. It’s hard to find work having an intellectual disability but Westmead has treated me like family. I have been here for nearly 20 years and this is my happy place. Every day I try to do my best and make everyone around me happy. My team is always supportive of me and I feel like they always have my back. I appreciate it.”
Joey Franji, Westmead Hospital Cleaner
Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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