Leading Better Value Care
Leading Better Value Care is the flagship program that is accelerating value based healthcare in NSW. It involves clinicians, networks and organisations working together on high-impact initiatives to improve outcomes and experiences for people with specific conditions. The program identifies and scales evidence based initiatives for specific diseases or conditions. It focuses on managing conditions in the most appropriate setting. Leading Better Value Care Western Sydney Local Health District started embedding the Value Based Healthcare principles by rolling out the NSW Health’s flagship program Leading Better Value Care in 2017-18. This has been a key enabler in WSLHD’s journey to sustainable health systems delivering outcomes that matter to patients and the community. The transition from volume to value allows health systems to continuously improve the delivery of effective healthcare, so that care is aligned with outcomes and experiences and available resources are used optimally. Over the last five years, the 13 programs under LBVC have transformed how we deliver care across WSLHD. These programs were set up as one-stop-shops, with multiple clinicians from different teams, managing the patient together in one consultation. This led to immense improvement in patient experience and resulted in positive health outcomes for the patients. Leading Better Value Care in Western Sydney
Left: Westmead Precinct
Western Sydney Local Health District
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