WSLHD Lifeblood 2022
Necessary to life
At theclosingof 2021wewatchedcarefully thepath thepandemicwould take in 2022 following the tumultuous years prior. As we know, COVID-19 did not let up this year, and we were yet again presented with the challenges of a global pandemic, as well as, a bevy of new obstacles as we navigated learning how to live with the virus in the community. Although the rollercoaster ride of the 2020decade forged on in full swing– one thing remained consistent –the unwavering commitment of Western Sydney Local Health District’s (WSLHD) staff and volunteers, whose relentless hard work kept western Sydneysiders safe in 2022. WSLHD continued both its outreach and in-reach vaccination programs to deliver COVID-19 vaccinations to priority vulnerable population groups, patients, and visitors across the district. In 14 months, frontline workers in the outreach model delivered 29,438 vaccinations to vulnerable community members via 725 outreach clinics and in 12 months the in-reach model delivered 3,683 vaccinations toWSLHD patients, visitors and staff. Furthermore, the InTouch COVID Community Care program identified and managed patients in the community who were at risk of deterioration from COVID-19. The program increased people’s health literacy and ability to self-manage their condition in order to avoid emergency department presentations and hospital admissions. From June 2021 to the end of May 2022, a total of 42,576 patients received care from InTouch. At the same time our determination, agility, resilience and versatility came to the fore as we enhanced services, uncovered ground-breaking research, revolutionised staff and patient care and delved into plans for the future of healthcare. We upgraded services at Cumberland Hospital, Auburn Hospital opened its Spiritual Healing Garden andwe celebratedMount Druitt Hospital’s milestone 40th birthday. The western Sydney community remains at the heart of what we do and this book helps to celebrate the achievements of our health heroes and to honour the significant difference they make to the people in our district with their unrelenting care. It has been an extraordinary few years for all staff in WSLHD and I would like to acknowledge their hard work, strength and professionalism during this unique time in Australian history. You are the lifeblood of the past, present and future.
GRAEME LOY Chief Executive Western Sydney Local Health District
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