NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21

Improving the patient carer experience

Transition to GoShare GoShare is a cloud-based platform from which bundles of Health literate information (video or text) can be sent directly to patient’s mobile or tablet devices. Bundles of information can be sent in various languages to patients attending WSLHD Emergency Departments (EDs) including videos explaining what to expect in the Emergency Department as well as translated COVID-19 information. From July 2021 to April 2022: 238 translated ED information bundles were sent out with a response of 53.4% rating the information as “very helpful”. The GoShare platform is used in several clinics and inpatient settings across WSLHD which also send translated bundles of information specifically collected for the patient’s needs.

Aboriginal Health Outcomes In Partnership with WSLHD Director Aboriginal Health Strategy, the PCE team developed a cultural competence survey to determine if patients felt culturally safe, recognised and understood in WSLHD services. A demographic question has also been added to the WSLHD inpatient, outpatient and emergency department surveys asking if the respondent identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, helping WSLHD to understand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experience with patients from other backgrounds to better appreciate what is important to our community and how services can be improved. During the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, the PCE team created a site-specific patient experience survey to evaluate cultural safety at the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Kimberwalli Vaccination Centre. A total of 84 surveys were completed with the majority of questions scoring highly and received positive feedback. Some of the feedback included comments such as:

11,587 bundles of information (in English) total have been sent out across WSLHD and Sydney Diabetes. GoShare will continue to be expanded and improved for use throughout WSLHD in 2022.

“Acceptance and respect was of the highest quality”

“The service makes you feel so welcome and wanted”

“Very friendly and informative throughout” The PCE team will be working with the WSLHD Director Aboriginal Health Strategy and Allied Health in the coming 12 months to review Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patient experience at Mount Druitt Emergency Department (ED). The ED Patient Experience Coordinators and the Aboriginal Liaison Officers will work together to develop strategies and resources to support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families in the ED.

Western Sydney’s new patient experience coordinators (PECs) outside Westmead Hospital. Each PEC rotates between the District’s four emergency departments.


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