NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21

Improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands Peoples in our community

Supporting the Community through COVID-19 COVID-19 Aboriginal Vaccination at Kimberwalli, Aboriginal Centre for Excellence Aboriginal Vaccination Hub In partnership with Kimberwalli, the Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES) and the Centre for Aboriginal Health, a culturally safe COVID-19 vaccination model developed using the Agency for Clinical Innovation Redesign methodology, informed by local community priorities was established to ‘Close the Gap’ in vaccination rates. Four principles underpinned the models development: 1. ‘By the Community, for the Community’ 2. Connection to Community 3. A culturally safe environment 4. Empowerment of Aboriginal people Using the ACI Redesign methodology, the ‘typical’ COVID-19 Vaccination Model was redesigned to ensure clinical and culturally safe vaccination. This included: • Implementation of a ‘yarning space’ with COVID-19 vaccinators and Aboriginal Health Workers working in partnership with consumers and their families to provide opportunity for discussion and education prior to vaccination • Removal of barriers to accessing vaccination - partnership with Transport NSW; cultural resources; ‘walk-in’ model as well as direct booking number, and culturally appropriate ‘show’ bags • Employment of local Aboriginal staff through AES partnership (10 FTE) • Inclusion Aboriginal Artworks, including specifically designed signage incorporating Leanne Tobin ‘Dragonfly’ artwork • Rapid cultural capability orientation for all staff working at Kimberwalli • Elder support through welcome to country, and ongoing communication strategy • Strong culturally appropriate communication strategy, leveraging partner social media channels

As a result of the model, and the outreach and Aboriginal family vaccination days: Second dose COVID-19 vaccination rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander increased from: 20.63% to 86.1% Blacktown SA4 28% to 84.93% Parramatta SA4 My Experience Matters cultural safety rating of: 99/100 and overall experience rating of: 97/100 Staff were told repeatedly about how they only came to Kimberwalli because a family member had told them how wonderful the experience had been, and how culturally safe the model was- one quote: ‘I would not have had my COVID vaccination if it wasn’t for this place, our place’ (Kimberwalli Consumer)

My Experience Matters Consumer Feedback: “ The service makes you feel so welcome and wanted” “Acceptance and respect was of the highest quality”

WSLHD Vaccination Outreach Marrin Weejali Aboriginal Centre. Left to right: Tony Levett, Dr Geoffrey Mcgrath (Medical Officer) WSLHD Vaccination Outreach Marrin Weejali Aboriginal Centre. Aunty Jenny Ebsworth


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