NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21
Research and education network
The WSLHD’s Research and Education Network (REN) is a unique facility in Australia providing an efficient function to organise key services to sustain and grow research, education, innovation and commercialisation within the LHD.
Clinical Support Unit WSLHD is a leader in healthcare research. To support emerging and early career researchers, the clinical support unit has implemented the International Conference of Harmonization for Good Clinical Practice (ICHGCP) training program. This program establishes minimum standards for planning and undertaking research to ensure it is of high quality. Since commencement in September 2020, 400 WSLHD researchers have been trained. Clinical Trial Coordinator Network was formed in 2021 to create a community of practice that facilitates information sharing, establishment of standardized resources across WSLHD. Over 60 researchers attend network meetings regularly and has led to development of standardised operating procedures and policies for clinical research. Medical Education Professional Support Unit was established to provide extensive support for doctors mental health and well-being across WSLHD, as well as individual senior leadership and systems support across the LHD. The unit has led to a series of leadership and communication programs including FLASH. FLASH (Fostering Leadership Across Systems in Health) is designed for senior medical trainees and earlier year specialist doctors to improve their confidence and performance in all areas of leadership required of them throughout their careers. The program is based on Australian Health Leadership LEADS Framework: Leads self, Engages Others, Achieves Outcomes, Drives Innovation and Shapes Systems. FLASH was tailored to local health district needs to address the gap in medical leadership development by linking to real-life health service scenarios. This addresses the need to nurture and better equip our future leaders with the skills required to make effective changes and drive excellence in healthcare. FLASH program in 2022 will have a formal research evaluation utilising validated tools to assess clinician’s skills and wellbeing. This program is being expanded to include Allied Health staff. “It has givenme the building blocks to build on and the knowledge base as an emerging leader in our health system. It has given me the confidence and framework to build on to take on new projects and contribute to our district” FLASH participant
It provides support across the hospitals and health services of WSLHD in medicine, nursing and midwifery, allied health, oral health, population health, integrated/community care and mental health. Virtual Reality Code Black Training Virtual Reality (VR) Code Black training for Emergency Departments (ED) has commenced in WSLHD seeking to reduce aggression events and use of restraints. Research has pointed to inconsistencies in the way that aggression/ violet patients are managed. As part of this program, a restructured response in ED to potential Code Black events focussing on: • situational awareness and the charting of patient behaviors in eMR • upskilling of staff in de-escalation techniques to successfully defuse escalating patients • pre-allocation of a Code Black team roles at the beginning of a shift to personnel who are practiced in safely restraining patients The ED training program is delivered both face to face and via virtual reality commenced in late 2021. The number of restraints recorded in comparison to pre-intervention records, 2021/2022 (NSW Health), has shown a significant reduction in the number of restraints being recorded for WSLHD which will impact both patient and clinician safety.
WSLHD Research and Education Network digital innovation lead Nathan Moore shows Dr Clarisse Puno how to use the VR training. Western Sydney Local Health District intern cohort start work in the district. Interns conducting practical cannulation training. Dr Shiven Janiconducting cannulation training.
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