NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21

A review of performance indicators against 2021-22 NSWHealth Key Performance Indicators

Hospital acquired complications (HAC) Hospital Acquired Complications (HACs) are a complication or cause of injury/ infection which occurs during hospitalisation. WSLHD continuously monitored our rates of complication and ensure improvements are made to patient outcomes. Following the trend across metropolitan Sydney, variation in the rate of HACS over the last 12 months (2021-2022) has been observed during COVID-19 waves. This trend has ben observed in WSLHD. WSLHD remains committed to reducing HACs and ensuring delivery of safe, high-quality care to patients. How to read this table: The table provided reflects WSLHD Hospital Acquired Complication performance between July 2021 to June 2022. NSWMinistry of Health establishes an annual ‘upper limit’ rate for Hospital Acquired Complications for each local health district. This is the expected rate of Hospital Acquired Complications based on a range of factors including clinical complexity. This is calculated per 10,000 episodes of care. The ‘actual’ rate is the rate of occurrence of a Hospital Acquired Complication calculated per 10,000 episodes of care for all WSLHD facilities between July 2021- June 2022.


Strategies in place are working

Strategies in place, monitoring to see if adjustment required

Ongoing work underway with facilities to improve performance

The green line represents the WSLHD upper limit for 2021-2022

The blue line represents the monthly rate per 10,000 episodes of care

Hospital Acquired Complication

Upper limit per 10,000 episodes of care set by NSW Health


Actual (per 10,000 episodes of care)

Upper limit (per 10,000 episodes of care)

Performance Green line = WSLHD Upper Limit Blue line = WSLHD performance per month



Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries (per 10,000 episodes of care) Pressure injuries are damage to skin or soft tissue as a result of pressure or friction. We measure the rate we can develop strategies to stop them occurring.

July 2021


June 2022

Definition of Hospital Acquired Complication

Monthly performance, measured against upper limit

Annual rate of all WSLHD facilities per 10,000 episodes of care

Westmead ED Trevor Raymond Registered Nurse


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