NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21

Our commitment to safety and quality

Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) is committed to embedding safety and quality principles in the day-to-day work of all staff, with a focus on building organisational maturity in the way key lessons and learnings are shared across the district. The WSLHD Board, together with the Chief Executive, oversee the performance of the organisation and maintain relationships between WSLHD and state and local stakeholders. The Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery and Clinical Governance provides a high level of support to the WSLHD Board sub-committee, Health Care Quality Committee (HCQC). The function of this committee is to ensure WSLHD has appropriate safety and quality systems in place and to monitor performance and improve patient care.


Quality Related Committees

WSLHD Board Committees


New Interventional Procedures Committee

Audit and Risk

Health Care Quality Committee

Drug Committee

Nominations Committee

Safety & Quality Operational Committee

Venous Thromboembolism

Research and Development

Infection Prevention and Control

Professional Education

Facility Quality & Safety Committee

Finance Performance and Assets

End of Life

Escalation process including Morbidity & Mortality meetings

Falls Committee

Patient Safety agenda items on department/ward meetings

Left: Blacktown Paediatric Ward Ministerial visit. Far right: Westmead Jacqui Cross (Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer) thanking staff for their effort during the pandemic.


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