Safety & Quality Account 2020-21 | 2021-22 Future Priorities

Snapshot of Key Achievements 2021-2021 WSLHD Safety & Quality Account

Snapshot of Key Achievements 2020-2021

AUSTRALIA’S FIRST REVIVED KIDNEY TRANSPLANT AT WESTMEAD HEALTH PRECINCT Westmead Hospital clinicians with the support of the researchers from Westmead Institute for Medical Research (WIMR) performed the first successful transplant of a revived kidney in Australia utilising a process known as Normothermic Machine Perfusion (NMP). PARENTING PLUS PROGRAM WSLHD introduced the Parenting Plus Program, an innovative, four week program for new parents which embeds health literacy skills into existing community parenting classes. THE BLACKTOWN END OF LIFE COMMUNICATION RESEARCH PROJECT A group of researchers referred to as ‘the Hub’ together with clinicians, developed a multi-component intervention program to improve communication between health professionals, patients and their families about end-of-life care.

PHOTO: Aunty Judith Curry (Marrin Wejali Client). WSLHD Vaccination Outreach Marrin Wejali Aboriginal Centre.

ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER HEALTH – KEEPING OUR COMMUNITY SAFE In 2020, WSLHD introduced a number of initiatives to keep our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities’ safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. This included the establishment of outreach clinics and distribution of essential packs with masks, hand sanitiser and information resources about COVID-19 testing and vaccinations. MULTICULTURAL HEALTH CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC DIVERSE COMMUNITY (CALD) COMMUNITY AND CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM In 2020, the Multicultural Health Services (MCHS) established working groups with our CALD communities to co-design our services and improve access to care and reliable health information. A number of resources have been developed in collaboration with our consumers to improve their health outcomes and enhance our services.

PHOTO: Robert and Angela Gennari celebrated the birth

of their son Leo Gennari born 27th January at 2am at Westmead Hospital.


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