Safety & Quality Account 2020-21 | 2021-22 Future Priorities

National Standards and Accreditation WSLHD Safety & Quality Account

All public and private hospitals, day procedure services and public dental practices are required to be accredited to the National Safety and Quality in Healthcare Standards (NSQHS) to ensure the safety and quality of health care provision.

Standard 8 Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration

Standard 1 Clinical Governance

Standard 7 Blood Management

Standard 2 Partnering with Consumers

Standard 3 Preventing and Controlling Healthcare-associated Infections

Standard 6 Communicating for Safety

Standard 5 Comprehensive Care

Standard 4 Medication Safety

In preparation for accreditation against the 2nd edition Standards, each facility in WSLHD undertook a comprehensive gap analysis. It was identified that Actions requiring further improvement were comparable across both editions. WSLHD is working collaboratively to implement improvement strategies in those specific areas. To date in 2020-2021, there have been nil “Not Met” recommendations directed to WSLHD.

All facilities, which includes Auburn, Blacktown, Mount Druitt and Westmead Hospitals, Drug Health, Mental Health, and Oral Health Services are accredited against the National Standards Version Two. Integrated and Community Health are accredited under the Aged Care Quality Standards. In 2019, the new NSQHS Standards 2nd edition commenced which consists of eight standards and 148 actions compared to the first edition of ten standards and 256 actions.


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