NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21

Multicultural Health Matters

538,565 people in our communities speak a language other than English at home.

The WSLHD catchment is home to 499,241 people born overseas.

There are approximately 200 languages spoken within our communities.

The plan identifies 12 strategic priorities in the following focus areas: 1. Improved safety and cultural responsiveness of care and services. 2. Improved communication and health literacy. 3. Improved engagement, participation, and partnerships. 4. Improved data collection on identities, needs and experiences. 5. Governance, implementation, and monitoring.

Our vision is to provide exceptional care and services with no barriers, so culturally and linguistically diverse patients, carers, families and communities are well informed and supported to have the best possible experience using our service and achieve good health outcomes. Over the past 12 months we have partnered with members of culturally and linguistically diverse communities to improve their experiences and develop programs on health issues that matter to the community. WSLHD has launched the Multicultural Health Plan 2022-2025. The Plan identifies systemic changes and actions required to improve the district’s capacity to recognise and address the health needs, language and culture of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) consumers and communities.

Multicultural Health Western Sydney Local Health District

Multicultural Health Plan 2022-2025

Top 5 languages spoken across WSLHD:







Safety & Quality Account 2022-2023 Western Sydney Local Health District


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