NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21

Partnering with Consumers to Improve Patient and Carer Experiences

IN JULY 2022 TO JUNE 2023:

My Experience Matters Surveys WSLHD has invested in the My Experience Matters survey platform since 2016 as its key tool in hearing firsthand from our patients, carers and families through a set of questions and free text comments. My Experience Matters surveys are sent to all WSLHD discharged inpatient, outpatient, and Emergency Department patients. There are also surveys available for other specialist services in WSLHD such as Oral Health and Drug Health.

A total of 40,117


surveys completed by consumers and carers across WSLHD. 20,040 outpatient surveys completed 5,795 emergency department surveys completed 4,892 Oral Health Services surveys completed 8,852 inpatient surveys completed 364 Drug Health Services surveys completed 174 carers surveys completed

Emergency Department Patient 5,795

Carers 174

Drug Health 364 Oral Health 4,892

Inpatient 8,852

Outpatient 20,040

WSLHD My Experience Matters (MEM) survey response and comment sections allows our patients and their carers to tell us their stories. These stories may be short, but they do tell us what is important to the patient or carer when engaging with WSLHD staff, services, and facilities. Importantly, these stories demonstrate how staff interactions, big or small, can influence each patient’s experience of our care. Lessons learned from these experiences, both positive and negative, are critical to developing and elevating the human experience across WSLHD. These comments are distributed monthly to the managers or relevant staff of the service identified, to facilitate discussion and identify lessons learned with their teams.

Safety & Quality Account 2022-2023 Western Sydney Local Health District


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