NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21

Emergency Department (ED) Tap-on / Tap-off (TOTO) Pilot

Westmead Hospital ED trailed the TOTO system to assess the benefits relating to WSLHD clinicians manually logging in to multiple corporate and applications multiple times during a shift. The solution was developed in collaboration with WSLHD Digital Health Services and delivered through implementing Single Sign On (SSO) technology to automate the login process for Westmead ED staff. This reduced the need for manual credential entry, improving operational efficiency, and strengthening security measures. The pilot not only proved technical suitability, but the feedback received, and data analysed also showed a significant decrease in login duration, with improvements in efficiency and productivity demonstrated through time saved by clinicians. Keeping Baby Home In response to an increased number of admissions to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) following recent hospital discharge, Westmead Maternity Ward developed the initiative ‘Keeping Baby Home’. Initial analysis indicated excessive weight loss due to ineffective breastfeeding was the most common reason for admission to NICU from home. The aim of this project was to support effective breastfeeding after birth to prevent excessive weight loss and subsequent admission post discharge. In collaboration between mothers, staff and the project team, the ‘My baby’s feeding chart’ was introduced which created an understanding of normal sucking patterns and feeding process, as well as a definitive language. Consistent feeding information and language is now utilised collaboratively amongst paediatric medical, midwifery staff and mothers. At the commencement of the project, admission to NICU from home averaged between 5 to 8 babies per month. This decreased to between 0 to 1 admission per month by December 2021 and has continuously remained at this rate since December 2022. This achievement reduced the number of admissions from home by over 80%, exceeding the original aim of 50%.

George Nicholas (96 years old) with Nurse Sepalika Rapnappuli being treated in the triage area.

Safety & Quality Account 2022-2023 Western Sydney Local Health District


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