WSLHD_CPH_Healthy High Density Living for Families with Chil








Diagram 9: A flexible community room which demonstrates the key design guidelines.

1.4 Key Design Guidelines Provide flexible community rooms within an apartment complex, incorporating the following considerations: 1 Provide accessible and flexible community rooms which can be used for a range of gathering and common activities. For smaller developments (2,000m 2 , approx. 20 dwellings), a minimum sized room of 30m 2 should be provided. For larger developments (over 5,000m 2 ) a total indoor communal area of 50m 2 minimum should be provided. Integrate smaller rooms and nooks adjacent to the large flexible space for activities requiring acoustic separation such as meetings, focused work, homework or music practice. Provide direct access and visibility from the flexible community room to communal outdoor green space, to ensure passive supervision and safety of playing children and opportunities for activities to flow outdoors. Integrate a small kitchenette with a sink to provide facilities for food and drink preparation as well as enabling messy activities such as craft opportunities for all residents. 2 3 4

Image 22: Direct access from the flexible community room to outdoor space can enable supervision of playing children and easy transfer of toys and furniture outdoors.

Ensure that storage space is provided within the flexible community rooms to enable storage of shared communal items. Provide a canopy cover at the threshold to encourage indoor-outdoor connection and UV/sun protection. A shared accessible toilet with the provision for baby change, should be provided adjacent to the flexible community room/communal outdoor space.



Image 23: Integrated benches with access to an outdoor sink can encourage more messy activities (such as gardening or crafts) to easily shift from inside to outside spaces.



Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide

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