WSLHD_CPH_Healthy High Density Living for Families with Chil

Image 28: Playable elements signal to the community the use of the street for play.

Useful resources to support how it can be done

Guidelines within this document may be applied differently depending on the context of whether the development is a precinct/master plan or infill development. Some key reference documents include: • The Framework for Valuing Green Infrastructure and Public Spaces developed by the Department of Planning, provides a standardised and comprehensive method to identify and quantify the costs and benefits of valuing green infrastructure and public spaces. 44 • The Connecting with Country Framework will ensure the planning and design of buildings and neighbourhoods prioritises Country and First Nations people. 21 • Council strategies such as Community Infrastructure Strategy, Play Space Strategy, Open Space Network, Local Strategic Planning Statement, Local Housing Strategy and associated Dwelling Density maps, provide valuable information on current and projected population and associated infrastructure requirements and benchmarks. 45

• The Safer Cities program , Child Friendly Cities and Cool Suburbs can further assist with the planning and design of the neighbourhood. 26, 46, 47 • The Great Places Toolkit includes a range of Guides, Tools, Case Studies and Research to support planning, managing and creating vibrant cities and neighbourhoods. It includes Guides such as the NSW Smart Public Spaces Guide . 48, 49 When consent authorities are approving infill developments consideration of community infrastructure, including green open space and schools are essential, as there are often existing deficits in high density neighbourhoods. To address existing deficits strategies such as shared open space with schools and the community, repurposing of under-utilised spaces and ensuring developments of a certain size provide green open space within the development, need to be implemented.


Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide

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