WSLHD_CPH_Healthy High Density Living for Families with Chil

2.2 Diverse Play Opportunities

Why it’s important Children require a diverse range of opportunities for play within their neighbourhood to support their healthy physical, mental and social development. Research overwhelmingly shows the benefits of play to children’s health including emotional regulation, creativity, problem solving, sense of self sufficiency, confidence and attachment to place and community. 55 By providing a diverse tapestry of play environments, children will have richer opportunities to develop social, physical and emotional skills. In addition, play spaces often serve as gathering places where families, friends, and neighbours can come together to engage in active play, socialise and build relationships. Community play spaces should be designed to reflect the needs and preferences of the local community and may incorporate elements such as inclusive play equipment, natural features, and public art to create welcoming environments for all residents. High density residential developments often have insufficient private outdoor space suitable for play. Therefore, quality playable, public, open, green spaces within high density neighbourhoods are essential as they provide children the opportunity to play easily and frequently. The proximity of play spaces to a child’s home allows friendships to develop for both children and caregivers, increasing community cohesion and belonging.

How it can be done A network of diverse play opportunities should be established within every neighbourhood, which enables children to engage in various types of play. This means looking beyond standard fixed play equipment and including diverse play environments such as nature play, imaginative play, sensory play, active play, loose-parts play and play streets. 56, 57, 58, 59 Developments should supplement and contribute to the broader network of play opportunities within the LGA. Utilising play space benchmarks and Council’s Play Space Strategy or other similar strategies will provide guidance on contributing to the LGA network of both small scale, local play opportunities and larger neighbourhood play spaces. 45 Play guidelines such as Everyone Can Play and best practice case studies are valuable references. 60 Providing play opportunities in under-utilised spaces within the neighbourhood, or master-planning no-through-traffic residential streets while ensuring Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles, will further enhance the broader play network. The Public Space Ideas Competition provides some local examples of how this can be achieved. 61 Activation of public spaces is another way to enhance play opportunities. Transport for NSW suggest a range of activation ideas, including some child friendly options. 62 Resources from Play Streets add to the ideas for integrating ‘play zones’ within public spaces. 59 Community consultation when planning and designing play spaces will enhance use. Community ownership of play space initiatives also contribute to building a sense of community and Play Streets is an example of this. 59

Local play spaces

Within 200m ( 2-5min walking radius) from home. Locate smaller local play spaces in underutilised green spaces, vacant public land, pocket parks or master-planning no-through-traffic residential streets. Within 800m (10min walking radius) from home. Locate larger neighbourhood play spaces adjacent to facilities which are frequented



Neighbourhood play spaces


Location by children such as schools, child care centres, libraries, swimming pools or larger open spaces. Table 1: Recommended distance and location of local and neighbourhood play spaces.


Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide

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