WSLHD_CPH_Healthy High Density Living for Families with Chil

Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide Building Considerations Checklist Building Considerations – 1.3 Playable Outdoor Space Key Design Guidelines Apartment Design Guide Requirements Design element Guideline implementation YES NO Comments/References ADG min Shade 1.3.6 Playable elements are located under trees or shading devices to ensure sufficient sun and UV protection. Water provision 1.3.7 An outdoor tap is provided within the communal outdoor area. From page 25 of the Guide. Provision of a tap allows for water play, N/A Acoustics 1.3.8 The acoustics of the communal outdoor area are considered, including surfaces used and the location of play spaces. From page 25 of the Guide. Objective 3D-2, page 57 The location of facilities responds to micro climate and site conditions with access to sun in winter, shade in summer and shelter from strong winds and down drafts. gardening activities and the ability to wash toys.

From page 25 of the Guide. Objective 4J-1, page 105 In noisy or hostile environments the impacts of external noise and pollution are minimised through the careful siting and layout of buildings. Objective 4J-2, page 105

Appropriate noise shielding or attenuation techniques for the building design, construction and choice of materials are used to mitigate noise transmission.


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