#2328_WSLHD_CPH_YIR 2023_4A_WEB

“A highlight in my role is being able to collaborate with other organisations and counterparts to develop solutions and interventions. I think this sense of teamwork amplifies our overall impact. I’ve also had the opportunity to connect with people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Western Sydney. It’s a pleasure to engage in conversations and listen to them share their stories.” - Rachel Chua, Health Promotion Officer (Smoking & Vaping Prevention)



Refreshed Centre for Population Health website Our website underwent a refresh this year with the aim of providing timely and relevant health and wellbeing information that meets local health needs, that is easy to find and understand. We consulted with 67 CPH stakeholders on what they would find most helpful and coupled this with expert knowledge from our CPH teams, input from other WSLHD staff, organisation partners and community members, as well as user testing with 6 consumers. This engagement process presented rich insights to help refine the site. The site was re-launched with support from the WSLHD Corporate Communications team in November 2023 via social media promotion, the WSLHD website, staff intranet, internal newsletters, Executive broadcasts and direct email. 270 CPH stakeholders were informed via direct email with a 61% open rate.

Visit the refreshed site: www.wslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/population-health

‘Looks great! Easy to navigate and the information was easily accessible. Also it was nice to be able to find some information about vaping.’

Some feedback on the website:

– Senior Resident Medical Officer.

‘I’ve just looked on your new website and love it. It looks fabulous and inviting, as well as containing such useful info. I also found it well laid out and very easy to navigate. A great resource for our community which I’m sure will be well utilised!’

‘I like that it has targeted information. The site is easy to navigate with the pictures making it easier to find what you are looking for.’

– Health Education Manager.

– Health Consumer.


WSLHD Centre for Population Health Year in Review 2023

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