#2328_WSLHD_CPH_YIR 2023_4A_WEB
2023 was another successful year for the Centre for Population Health with multiple teams and individuals recognised for their first-class work.
The School Vaccination team’s achievement in administering 13,145 catch-up vaccines to students who had missed their school immunisations during the COVID-19 pandemic was recognised: WSLHD Best in the West Awards Keeping People Healthy category WINNER
NSW Premier’s Awards Excellence in Service Delivery FINALIST Awards
L-R Valerie Hunter, Caroline Scott, Melanie Broadbent, Salwa Gabriel.
WSLHD Integrated and Community Health Achievements in Integrated & Community Excellence Awards 2023
Keeping People Healthy category: Healthy Adventures Book Pack – this project explored whether a soft vegetable toy and a scrap book can help parents of children 2-5 years of age, that attend Munch and Move Early Childhood Education and Care services, eat healthy, be more active and reduce screen time. Results included a significant improvement in parents’ confidence to support change in their
children’s physical activity. WINNER – Health Promotion
Janelle McNicholas and Nana Yaa Godley, Health Promotion.
Health Research and Innovation category: The Supporting Physical Activity Maintenance in Culturally Diverse Older Adults Following Supervised Group Exercise – A Mixed Methods Study. CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION – Health Promotion (also nominated for 2023 NSW Health Multicultural Communications Award).
Integrated Value Based Care category The Catch-up School Vaccination Project, 2022. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT – Public Health Unit
ICH General Manager, Jasmin Ellis, Kitty Kaur (Health Promotion), Anoop Johar (Multicultural Health).
WSLHD Centre for Population Health Year in Review 2023
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