IPPA World Congress


East Meeting Room 10

East Meeting Room 13

East Meeting Room 14 East Meeting Room 16

East Meeting Room 17

East Meeting Room 18

East Meeting Room 19

Room Change Break

Symposium: Making positive psychology better abs#33 Aaron Jarden Tim Lomas

Symposium: Character strengths use and development at work: New interventions and perspectives abs#34 Philippe Dubreuil Claudia Harzer Marc-Antoine Gradito-Dubord Charles Martin-Krumm

Positive Organizational Intervention Challenge (POIC) Finalists of the Positive Organizational Intervention Challenge: Pauline Grant, Nohelia Argote, Alyssa Birnbaum, Fabiana Memmolo, Emily Zavala, Olivér Lubics. Panellists: Gregory Hennessy, Chris Murchison

Symopsium: Courageous Leadership and Storytelling as a Gateway to Mental Health and Well-Being: Empowering Law Students as Healthy Future Leaders abs#35 Pearlette Ramos, Kara Perry, Michael Kasdan Podium: Mindfulness, Purpose, Coherence and Belonging Peter Malinowski abs#51 Amir Freimann abs#52 Narelle Lemon abs#53 Michael Steger abs#54 Liz Corcoran abs#55

Podium: Gratitude and Humility as Buffers of Wellbeing Mark Rye abs#36 Monika Srivastava abs#37

Podium: Role of Positive Psychology in Political Engineering, World Beliefs and in Lifestyle Medicine Jer Clifton abs#38 Julianna Gesun abs#39 Jolanta Burke abs#40

Apply: Creating the World We Want to Live in & Careers in the VUCA World

Sue Langley abs#41 Clive Leach abs#42

Tayyab Rashid Kamlesh Singh

Symposium: Applied Positive Psychology for the Masses: Increasing access to Research-Based Resources abs#50 Jared Warren Jeremy Bekker Katelyn Jackman Gus Salazar

Health & Wellbeing Division Award Session: The healing

Podium: A Positive Psychology based Autism Intervention, Effective Positive Psychology Practice from Messy Theories, Integrating Positive Psychotherapy in Clinical Practice, Postnatal Thriving and A Wellbeing Course for Gender Equality Avery Bell & Anelyse Porreca abs#56 Sherri Fisher abs#57 Elliot Cohen abs58 Caroline Zavolokin abs#59 Angelina Eynon abs#60 Podium: Authenticity in Action, Wellbeing Training and Curriculum for Early Education, Teacher Wellbeing and Resilient Post-secondary Student Leaders Vinesh Sukumaran abs#76 Megan Gilmore abs#77 Jaclyn Gaffaney & Vicki Cabrera abs#78 Carol Radford abs#79 Jodi Basch abs#80 Podium: Psychedelics and Coaching, and Teacher Resilience Yannick Jacob abs#117 Jessie Spurgeon & Lauren Thompson abs#118

Apply: Positive Psychology Interventions for Firecare, Cocare and Emcare Louise Giaume & Adrien Jimenez abs#61

Apply: Improving Wellbeing in Schools and Exploring Core Values Sebrina Doyle Fosco abs#62 Harold Stanislaw & Jamie McCreary abs#63

power of smiling Sara Pressman & It Made A Difference for That One Karen Garman

Room Change Break

Podium: Positive Psychology: from Biggest Mistakes to Inspirational Bullshit and Map of 155 Measures of Positive Mental Health Matthew Iasiello abs#69 Esther Abel abs#70 Aaron Jarden abs#71 Rachel Baumsteiger abs#72

Positive Clinical Division Case Presentations Dan Tomasulo Naghmeh Taghva Lorraine Gahles-Kildow

Podium: Relations - From Disclosure of Personal Growth to Dyadic Actualization Cagla Sanri abs#73 Ajit Mann abs#74 Cheryl Harasymchuk abs#75

Ignite: Education & Wellbeing Leanne Hawken abs#81 Max Beers abs#83 Charmaine Skepasts abs#83 Virginia Millar abs#84 Fadzai Munyuki abs#85 Claudia Tordini abs#86 Melanie Weir abs#87 Eylin Palamaro-Munsell abs#88

Apply: Positive Health Coaching and Resilience following Operating

Room Crises Christian van

Nieuwerburgh abs#91 Kelcey Stratton abs#92

Chenae Duerden abs#89 Katie Shillington abs#90

Podium: Cross-cultural Perspective on Optimism, Character Strengths, Mattering and Post-traumatic Growth Raquel Rodríguez-Carvajal abs#102 Tahira Mubashar abs#103

Podium: Digital Health Platform, Teacher Wellbeing and Role of Hope in Burnout Padraic Dunne abs#106

Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice: Positive Psychology’s Best-Kept Secret?

Podium: Gratitude, Post-traumatic Growth and Organizational Citizenship Muhammad Kashif Fida abs#114 Tamar Icekson abs#115 Wenceslao Unanue abs#116

Ignite: Meaning, Purpose & Nature Sarena Sabine abs#119 Holli-Anne Passmore abs#120

Apply: Friendship Garden of Migrant Women and What is Friendship Fire? Lisa Barker abs#125 Dana Kerford & Tyson Greenwood abs#126

Sijing Zhou abs#107 Chris Freeze abs#108

Ryan Niemiec abs#109 Lucas Monzani abs#110 Dandan Pang abs#111 Masaya Okamoto abs#112 Peter Malinowski abs#113 SPIRITUALITY & MEANING DIVISION

Otis Geddes abs#121 Krista Barry abs#122 Olivia Sagan abs#123 Ashley Krause abs#124

Julie Haizlip abs#104 Yoonji Kim abs#105

Room change break 15 min

Podium: Gratitude and Family Functioning, Positive Parenting, and Positive Interventions in Primary Schools Katherine Nelson-Coffey abs#134 Anat Shoshani abs#135 Jacqui Francis abs#136 Hali Kil abs#137

Podium: Wellbeing: Prosocial Behaviour, Character Strengths, PERMA, Big Five and Forgiveness Andy Skidmore abs#138 Nicole Casali abs#139 Kazuya Horike abs#140 Andrea Ortega Bechara abs#141

Podium: Positive Psychology Interventions in Schools and Strengths- based Student Coaching Kate Wilkie & Kasey Lloyd abs#142 Sarah Fefer & Emily Barry abs#143

Podium: Positive Psychology: Cultural Adaptation to Cultural Responsiveness Paulina Ortiz abs#144 Kai Zhuang Shum & Jacqueline Blass abs#145 Junghyo Park abs#146 Naghmeh Taghva abs#147

Ignite: Resilience Jeanne Catherine abs#148 Ganna Naydonova abs#149 Lorena Krasnai (Caprar) abs#150 Gesa Christin Mey abs#151 Michaela Brohm-Badry abs#152 Supan Mrs Unjai abs#153 Yi-Chen Lee abs#154

Apply: What Sabotages Your Relationship and Wellbeing at Breakfast Suzie Pileggi Pawelski & James Pawelski abs#158 Marnie Thomas & Alan Parsons abs#159

Matthew Higgins abs#155 Rosie Hancock abs#156 Raina Chhajer abs#157


Invited Keynote/Panel/Symposium Peer-Reviewed Podium/Apply/Ignite

Peer-Reviewed Symposium

IPPA Division Sessions

Use the ‘abs#’ listed next to the presenter or session to search the online program to view the presentation and session summary.

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