IPPA World Congress
East Hall A
East Ballroom ABC
South Foyer
East Meeting Room 1
East Meeting Room 8
East Meeting Room 11
Guided Run led by Lululemon
7:00 7:30
Meditation/Hopeful Gratitude led by Dan Tomasulo
7:50 8:00
Plenary Panel: Connecting Nature to Wellbeing abs#161 John Zelenski, Holli-Anne Passmore Plenary Panel: Communicating Positive Psychology to Massive Audiences: What works? abs#162 Jason Marsh, Tal Ben-Shahar, Sonya Lyubomirsky
IPPA Past President's Symposium: Positive Psychology for kids and Teens: Building strength, resilience and empathy at an important
Keynote: Cultivating Happiness From trauma to community building at scale Karen Guggenheim abs#168
Panel: Life Stories in the Formation of Purpose, Gratitude, and Positive Identity abs#169 Pamela King William Damon
Symposium: Principles to Practice : Teachers Training Program from India abs#170 Sanjeev Sahni, Pulkit Khanna, Sneh Kapoor, Kishor Adhikari, Sucharita Belavadi
Symposium: Exploring new perspectives on wellbeing in the Gallup World Poll abs#171 Tim Lomas Holli-Anne Passmore Richard Cowden Jeanne Nakamura
Exhibition & Poster Viewing
life stage abs#163 Lea Waters abs#164 Anne Johnston abs#165 Rhea Owens abs#166 Caludia Zavala abs#167
Morning Tea
IPPA Past President's Symposium: Emerging Topics in Positive Psychological Interventions abs#188 Judith Moskowitz Kenneth Tyler Wilcox abs#189 Marie Sizemore abs#190 Elizabeth Addington abs#191
Symposium: Bring Light to the Dark: Positive Psychology Perspectives on Death, Dying, and Bereavement abs#192 Jan Stanley, Jodi Wellman, Lucy Hone, Sarah François- Poncet Symposium: The sense of meaning in education: Empirical evidence and their practical implications abs#207 Shiri Lavy Tammie Ronen Pninit Russo-Netzer Imelda Caleon
Keynote: Embodied positive psychology Alla Klymenko abs#193
Discussion Hour: Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) Programs Around the World Chair: James Pawelski
Positive Education Symposium abs#194 Maggie Zhao Mathew White Rosalinda Ballesteros Peggy Kern
12:15 12:30
Exhibition & Poster Viewing
Invited Symposium 10 years later - where are we on the journey to psychologically healthy and safe workplaces? abs#205 Mary Ann Baynton Liz Horvath abs#206 Sari Sairanen Sapna Mahajan
Conversation Hour with Martin Seligman: Everything you wanted to know about Positive Psychology but were afraid to ask
Symposium: Innovation in Positive Educational Interventions across Cultures abs#208 Yukun Zhao Kaiping Peng Wei Yan
IPPA Fellows Series: How can Positive Psychology empower a nation? Noof Mohammed Al Jenebi abs#209 Keynote: Tackling the Climate Crisis from a place of positivity Mohammad Asfour abs#210
Keynote: First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum (FNMWC) Framework Carol Hopkins abs#237
Symposium: The Positive Humanities: Examining the Role of Arts and Culture in Human Flourishins abs#238
Invited Symposium: Integrating Positive Psychology Coaching and Coaching Psychology: The Past, Present, and Future of these Coaching Approaches abs#239 Suzy Green Robert Biswas Deiner Christian van Nieuwerburgh Ilona Boniwell
Symposium: Using a positive approach to suicide prevention: The Sources of Strength model and its application in college
IPPA Fellows Series: Measuring the Well-being of Populations Using Social Media: Three Generations of Technology Andy Schwartz abs#241
settings abs#240 Kelly Chang Grace Emhoff Anne Drescher Luz Robinson
James Pawelski Christa Mahlobo Katherine Cotter MacKenzie Trupp
Exhibition & Poster Viewing
15:30 15:45
IPPA President's Symposium - What are the implications of genetically informative research for wellbeing prevention and interventions strategies? abs#264 Meike Bartels Ragnhild Bang-Nes
Keynote: Positive psychology research and interventions in the African context: Advances, challenges, and future directions Richard Appiah abs#265
IPPA Fellows Series: Transforming Teaching: Wellbeing and Professional Practice Mathew White abs#266
Keynote: Lessons from the CovSocial Project: How to reduce mental health problems exacerbated by the Covid19 pandemic through app-based mindfulness or socio-emotional
Symposium: Global Soaringwords' SOARING into Strength Positive Health Initiative to Impact Community Well-Being abs#268
dyadic online trainings Tania Singer abs#267
Lisa Buksbaum Stacey Flanagan Richard Tedeschi
Poster Session & Afternoon Tea Yoga in the Recharge & Flow Foyer: 16:15 - 16:45 Qi Gong in Meeting Room 16: 16:40 - 17:00
Award Ceremony
Plenary Panel: New Directions in Understanding Agency abs#287
Roy Baumeister Martin Seligman Kennon Sheldon abs#288
The PP Interventions Party! Activate Somatic Learning & Joy
MAPP Cocktail Hour Sponsored by University of Pennsylvania
Sponsored by The Flourishing Center
20:00 22:00
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