WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Developing and Implementing this plan
Development process Western Sydney LHD engaged a specialist research and policy firm, Urbis, to assist with the development of the DIAP. Consultations were undertaken with a wide range of stakeholders, including staff and community members with disability and their carers and families to identify opportunities to create a more inclusive health service experience. Stakeholders shared a range of perspectives, either from their lived experience or as practitioners working with people with disability in the LHD. All information received was analysed and a draft action list was created. The draft list was reviewed by a number of LHD stakeholders with the final DIAP being released by our Chief Executive, Graeme Loy. Implementing the plan The DIAP Steering Committee will be responsible for implementing the Plan and reporting activity to support transparency of progress. The Steering Committee will include the Chief Executive and senior leaders across the LHD and will meet every three months or more often as required, to support continued momentum and accountability in putting in place the actions in the Plan. A key action outlined in the Plan is for Western Sydney LHD to establish a Reference Group, of people with lived experience of disability.
It is intended that the Steering Committee will consult with the Reference Group on a regular basis to support the implementation and refinement of the Plan, as required. Reporting progress Each of the actions within the Plan has an identified time frame and area of responsibility. To support reporting on progress, indicators of success have also been identified. The person or area responsible for implementing each action, will be required to report on the progress made against the indicators of success, to the Steering Committee at least annually. The Steering Committee will also consult with the Reference Group to assess the progress that has been made and areas for specific focus, in the coming year. The progress reports will be collated by the Steering Committee on an annual basis and will be made available to both staff and the wider public on the LHD’s website. Annual reporting will provide an opportunity for the LHD to: • Reflect on the progress that has been made Report on the experience of people with disability • Identify areas where additional support or an adapted approach may be required • Support accountability and transparency.
Telephone interviews with people with lived experience.
A virtual workshop with Western Sydney LHD staff members.
Telephone interviews with Western Sydney LHD Executive Leadership team and staff.
Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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