WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Disability Inclusion Actions
Promoting positive attitude and behaviour regarding disability inclusion
Indicators of success
- E stablish a Reference Group of people with a lived experience of disability for ongoing engagement across the LHD - U ndertake regular consultation with the Reference Group to implement and refine this Plan - C onsult and establish terms of reference for the Reference Group to provide a mandate to contribute their expertise across the LHD, as people with a lived experience of disability
- R eference Group Terms of Reference are created and endorsed - Reference Group established - S chedule for engagement for the Reference Group regarding the implementation of the DIAP established - N umber of times the Reference Group is consulted across the LHD
1.1 Meaningful consultation is regularly
undertaken within the LHD, with consumers and staff with a lived experience of disability
- R aise the profile of people with a lived experience of disability within the LHD, through public activities and events including marking the International Day of People with Disability on 3 December each year - S hare the stories of patients and staff members with a lived experience of disability, in public and staff communication e.g. via Humans of the Hospital, Pulse or the Daily Dose
- N umber of activities or events held - N umber of communication activities that include the stories of patients or staff members with disability, each year
1.2 The experiences of people with a lived experience of disability are recognised across the LHD
- I ntroduce and promote disability awareness training for all LHD staff - W ork with relevant disability organisations to host workshops, in-service training and seminars across the LHD - W ork with the Reference Group to develop a resource around appropriate use of language, regarding people with a lived experience of disability and disseminate across the LHD
- T he proportion of LHD staff who undertake the Health Education & Training Institute (HETI)’s Let’s Talk Disability eLearning Module - Number of training events held - D isability inclusion web resource is developed and promoted - T he number of consumers and staff who identify as a person with a lived experience of disability increases
1.3 The LHD promotes positive attitudes
and behaviours towards people with a lived experience of disability
Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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