WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Disability Inclusion Actions


Creating liveable communities for people with disability Outcomes Actions

Indicators of success

- I nclude consultation with people with a lived experience in infrastructure projects across the LHD (in collaboration with Health Infrastructure), including as part of governance forums

- N umber of people with a lived experience consulted in infrastructure projects - R esults of consultation process

2.1 The voice of people with a

lived experience of disability is embedded in the development and operation of new and existing physical infrastructure

- D evelop a plan of works to identify priority activities which will improve access to facilities for people with a lived experience of disability and include this in annual reporting - C onsult Reference Group to understand gaps in access, including challenges found in the ‘last 100 metres’ in accessing facilities; use this information to develop the plan of works - U ndertake case studies that describe the experience of individuals with various disabilities, in order to identify potential barriers to accessing LHD facilities, for people with a lived experience of disability; use the case studies to inform the plan of works - C onsult Reference Group to understand the barriers inhibiting knowledge and information dissemination regarding the services and supports for consumers with disability and to prioritise activity - P romote greater awareness of support roles within the LHD e.g. NDIS Coordinator through staff and LHD communications - U ndertake case studies that describe the experience of individuals with various disabilities, including ‘mystery shoppers’, in order to identify potential barriers to accessing LHD service and supports for people with a lived experience of disability; use the case studies to inform the specific activities to support the DIAP, including care pathways - I nvestigate the creation of Disability Support and Liaison positions, to help increase access to LHD services and supports for consumers with disability

- P lan of works is developed - A ctivity against plan of works is monitored regularly and reported annually - O ngoing consultation with reference group is undertaken

2.2 Accessibility to LHD facilities

for people with a lived experience of disability is improved

- C onsultation with Reference Group is undertaken - C ontacts for support staff, including the NDIS Coordinator, are made publicly available via LHD communications - N DIS Coordinator and Intellectual Disability Health Coordinator report increase in appropriate engagement by LHD staff - O utcome of investigation regarding Disability Support and Liaison positions, is reported and implemented - I mplementation of ‘mystery shopper’ program and feedback

2.3 Services and supports for consumers

with disability in the LHD are accessible

from people with a lived experience of disability to inform case studies

Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan


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