WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Disability Inclusion Actions


Providing equitable systems and processes



Indicators of success

- U ndertake consultation with the Reference Group and other people with lived experience of disability, to inform a needs assessment of assistive supports and identify specific actions to increase access

- C onsultation is undertaken and reported to the DIAP Steering Committee - A ctions to improve access to assistive supports are identified and prioritised - I mprovements to current data collection processes are identified and implemented - O ptions for collecting data on the experience of consumers are identified and implemented

3.1 Consumer access to assistive

supports, including technology, improves

- C onsult with the Reference Group on how to investigate opportunities to improve data systems, to better record consumers who wish to identify as a person with a lived experience of disability and to improve reporting - I nvestigate opportunities for consumers with a lived experience of disability, to provide feedback on the services they receive within the LHD, to inform service improvement initiatives

3.2 Data collection regarding the experience of

consumers with lived experience of disability improves


Supporting access to meaningful employment opportunities



Indicators of success

- R eview current recruitment processes in consultation with the Reference Group and other people with a lived experience of disability to identify barriers for people with disability and address these barriers - D evelop an Employment of People with Disability Guideline, to support people with disability (as well as carers) during recruitment and make this publicly available - C onsult with Reference Group around current data collection methods and any improvements needed - E nsure that employment data within the LHD includes documentation of employees who wish to identify as people with a lived experience of disability and set an inclusion target within the Employment of People with Disability policy - E ngage with organisations including universities and disability employment support agencies, to identify employment opportunities for people with a lived experience of disability across the LHD and actively support the recruitment of people with disabilities to these roles

- C onsultation with Reference Group and other people with a lived experience of disability, undertaken - R eview of recruitment processes and actions taken - E mployment of People with Disability Guideline and process is developed and available with supporting information such as fact sheets - D ata is available on the employment for people with a lived experience of disability - D ata is available on the number of people with disability, recruited to positions within the LHD - D ata is available showing the proportion of the LHD workforce

4.1 Recruitment

processes within the LHD are fully inclusive for people with a lived experience of disability

identifying as a person with a lived experience of disability


Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan

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