WSLHD Allied Health Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Disability Inclusion Actions
Supporting access to meaningful employment opportunities
Indicators of success
- U ndertake an anonymous survey of staff, to assess the needs of staff with a lived experience of disability and gain feedback on their experience regarding accessibility and availability of support and reasonable adjustments - C onsult with staff with a lived experience of disability, to gain qualitative feedback on their experience regarding accessibility and availability of support and reasonable adjustments - U se the survey and consultations, to inform the following, within the Employment of People with Disability policy: • a policy on reasonable adjustments • a policy on performance management for people with a lived experience of disability and their managers • I dentification of LHD resources to help support these policies. - I nvestigate current procurement processes regarding assistive technology, support and equipment to identify barriers to procurement and address these - I nvestigate additional support required by the current disability workforce coordinator or the need for the establishment of another position within the LHD, to increase capability to access and implement reasonable adjustments - U ndertake an anonymous survey of managers to assess the experience of people managing a staff member with a lived experience of disability - I mprove managers’ awareness of disability and knowledge of available supports, by disability awareness training - D evelop an internal peer support group or network for staff with a lived experience of disability within the LHD - E nsure that employment data collected, includes information to monitor the rates of retention of people with a lived experience of disability, and their experience
4.2 Staff with a lived experience of disability are supported to receive reasonable
- S urvey of staff with a lived experience of disability is undertaken, with results presented to the DIAP Steering Committee - C onsultation is undertaken with staff with a lived experience of disability to discuss the need for and barriers to reasonable adjustments, with results presented to the DIAP Steering Committee - A policy on reasonable adjustments and performance management is developed and included within the Employment of People with Disability Policy - O utcomes of investigation regarding procurement processes is reported to DIAP Steering Committee - O utcome of investigation regarding increased capability to assist with access to reasonable adjustments is reported to DIAP Steering Committee and implemented - S urvey of managers is undertaken and the results presented to the DIAP Steering Committee - T he proportion of managers who undertake the HETI’s Let’s Talk Disability eLearning Module - O ptions for peer support are identified and tested with staff with disability and arrangements for preferred peer support option are implemented - D ata is available on the rates of retention for people with a lived experience of disability
adjustments as and when necessary
4.3 Staff with
disability are supported to succeed
Western Sydney Local Health District–Disability Inclusion Action Plan
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