Safety & Quality Account 2020-21 | 2021-22 Future Priorities
A Workplace Culture that Drives Safety and Quality WSLHD Safety & Quality Account
Recognising the strain and stressors work can place on our staff. The ‘Our Place, Our People’ program aims to ensure the physical safety of staff at all times in addition to ensuring that staff have access to resources to assist in maintaining emotional and mental wellbeing. Investing in Culture Ambassadors: Any employee of WSLHD is encouraged to be a Culture Ambassador and join a community of like minded colleagues who: • Get involved and promote the CORE values, aspirations and initiatives of WSLHD • Are an advocate for positive change and promote the values and ideals WSLHD aspires to • Promotes conversation, collaboration and feedback helping to build a vibrant WSLHD community. To date we have 62 Cultural Ambassadors and we continue to grow this group weekly. Our Leaders: The integral role a leader plays in shaping the culture of our organisation is acknowledged. WSLHD is establishing a leadership framework to identify and support the development and skills of our leaders through coaching, mentoring and communities of practice. Our Stories: Promoting the voice of our staff and community alike and sharing in achievements and reflections is an important driver of safety and culture alike. WSLHD is committed to strengthening the voice of our people and ensuring they are heard.
PHOTO: Westmead Multicultural
Integration and Culture Project. Associate Professor Nirmala Pathmanathan
(Director Breast Cancer Institute).
We are committed to enhancing the capability of our staff to have the skills and knowledge to deliver safe and high quality care now and into the future. We want to develop strong compassionate leaders to create confidence amongst all staff and to encourage a professional and positive environment. WSLHD provides opportunities to staff to lead sustainable system improvements and patient safety initiatives, work more effectively with available clinical information and resources, and develop a patient-centred care culture which includes speaking up for safety and quality.
PHOTO: Left to right: Dr Jessica Xiong, May Ng, Dr Kenneth Lee, Freda Vosdoganis, Francil Ubana, Lorraine Reyes, Molly John.
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