Safety & Quality Account 2020-21 | 2021-22 Future Priorities

Improving Health Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in our Community WSLHD Safety & Quality Account

GATHERING PLACE, HEALING SPIRITS CULTURAL SPACE A new cultural gathering place in the Westmead Precinct Clinical Acute Services Building (CASB) was commissioned to create a safe, welcoming and connected space for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Extensive community consultation, to understand the specific cultural and supportive needs was undertaken. The area is a very public display of Aboriginal culture and is located in the forecourt gardens of the CASB. In 2021, further collaboration is planned with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to ensure the new space meets the needs of the communities.

PHOTO: Westmead CASB Aboriginal Elders visiting cultural garden.

PHOTOS: Left to right:

Westmead CASB Aboriginal Elders

visiting cultural garden. Left to right: Aunty Stella Cuningham (Aboriginal Elder). Pauline Stockham (Aboriginal Elder), Lydia Smith (Aboriginal Elder).


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