Safety & Quality Account 2020-21 | 2021-22 Future Priorities
Improving Health Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in our Community WSLHD Safety & Quality Account
PHOTO: WSLHD Vaccination
Outreach Marrin Wejali Aboriginal Centre. Left to right: Aunty Jenny Ebsworth (Marrin Wejali Client), Dr Geoffrey Mcgrath (Medical Officer).
The SAP programme provides culturally safe, person -centred and trauma informed mental health and social and emotional wellbeing support to Aboriginal people. Since November 2020, the SAP programme supported 128 Aboriginal people to encourage and support the connection between Aboriginal consumers and mental health and social and emotional wellbeing services. The project aimed to reduce inpatient admissions and length of stay for Aboriginal people. By November 2020 there was a 36% decrease in consumers requiring inpatient mental health treatment and 80% reduction in average Length of Stay (LOS). Aboriginal consumers participating in the SAP stated that they were heard and their struggles were acted upon. Non-Aboriginal clinicians reported they experienced improved communication and engagement with Aboriginal consumers and gained a better understanding of their healthcare needs. ABORIGINAL PALLIATIVE CARE WORKER The appointment of an Aboriginal Palliative Care Worker at WSLHD is improving access to palliative and end of life services that are available to Aboriginal people and their families. The Aboriginal Palliative Care Worker works alongside the palliative care, silver chain, renal and other departments to assist, support and advocate for Aboriginal families. The position works to improve culturally appropriate services for Aboriginal people and their families by collaborating with allied health professionals, medical staff and all staff involved in end of life care and works closely with the Aboriginal Chronic and Complex care Nurse to support Aboriginal people who have terminal illnesses and require extra support. WSLHD has already seen an increase in Aboriginal people accessing our support services when dealing with end of life.
PHOTO: Blacktown Vaccination Hub opening. Nicole Winters (Senior Aboriginal Palliative Care Worker).
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