NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21
Chief Executive’s Award– inTouch COVID Community Care
Collaborative Team of the Year – Staff Skills Stations, Auburn Hospital
This project increased people’s health literacy and ability to self-manage their COVID-19 condition in order to avoid emergency department presentations and hospital admissions. The initiative identified and managed patients in the community who were at risk of deterioration. From June 2021 to the end of May 2022, a total of 42,576 patients had received care from this model.
This project developed information learning sessions during COVID-19 in the Auburn Hospital Emergency department named ‘Staff Skill Stations’. These sessions provided an opportunity for staff to learn existing knowledge, hands-on practices and promoted open discussions. This project increased nursing staff confidence from 7.6 to 8.69 (on a 10-point scale) when performing specific emergency nursing skills. Medication related incidents reported in IMS+ significantly reduced by 76%.
Board Chair’s Award– WSLHD COVID-19 Outreach Vaccination Program
Health Care Quality Committee Chair’s Award for Commitment to Quality Improvement – Digital Integration of Clinical Eye Examinations (DICE)
This project implemented a data management platform which allowed staff to holistically approach patient wellbeing by connecting medical equipment and streamlining diagnostic information. Daily patient waiting times were reduced by 15% to 20% while also achieving a 31% improvement to clinical workflow by reducing total diagnostic time with patients by 47.4 hours per month.
This intervention rapidly established both an outreach and in-reach vaccination model to deliver COVID-19 vaccinations to priority vulnerable population groups, patients, and visitors across WSLHD. In 14 months the model achieved: • 3,683 vaccinations through our hospitals and services • 29,438 vaccinations through 725 outreach clinics • 370 vaccinations per day in the peak of the pandemic
Safety & Quality Account 2022-2023 Western Sydney Local Health District
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