Womens Health Business Case Report
“Local WHC provide a service to us by having existing groups in priority CALD, Aboriginal and low socio-economic & disadvantaged populations that we can access to provide education about the BreastScreen NSW program. They assist by referring their clients to BreastScreen NSW local services. We do not have the resources to do all of this on our own and reaching out and having partnerships with key stakeholders such as WHC is imperative to reach these populations.” Manager, BreastScreen NSW “The Counsellors at Sydney Women’s Counselling Centre have lots of experience supporting women with complex issues. Our clients, particularly those who have experienced DV, want to talk to someone who is focused on women’s issues. The private ATAPs funded services provide some support, but it’s all with private counsellors who don’t have the same experience with the really complex needs that my clients have. The waiting list is also too long at other places in the area. For example, I recently referred a client with post natal depression to a health/ hospital program, but the waiting list was over 6 months. I’m now referring her to Sydney Women’s Counselling Centre to get her the support that she needs sooner. Case Worker, St George Family Services
“WHC (Women’s Health Centre) is a place that women from CALD communities find it welcoming and easy to access, understanding, people who speak their language. They feel they can talk about private issues and will not have problem.” Bilingual Community Education Coordinator, NSWHealth
“This Women’s Health Centre plays a vital role in the local area servicing victims of domestic and family violence” Team Leader Domestic Violence, NSW Police
“WHCs are safe space for women. It is welcoming for women. The quality of service is high and workers are dedicated with long standing history of working on women’s issues. The centres achieve a lot with little resourcing. The role they play in improving health outcomes of women and indeed the entire community is sometimes understated” Multicultural Advisor, Cancer Institute NSW
“Our local centre is very involved in the community & offers high quality groups and counselling to local women.” Manager, Eastlakes Family Support Service
Women’s Health NSW – October 2022
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