WSLHD_CPH_Healthy High Density Living for Families with Chil








Diagram 8: A playable green space within an apartment communal area which demonstrates the key design guidelines.

1.3 Key Design Guidelines Integrate designated and adaptable playable space within communal shared areas incorporating the following considerations: 1 As a minimum, provide 25% of communal outdoor area as ‘playable space’. 36 2 Where family-friendly apartments are located adjacent to communal outdoor space, provide direct access (through a gate) to encourage children to easily move between private and communal spaces. Consider sight lines from private courtyards and balconies to maximise passive supervision and safety of playing children, while also maintaining privacy. Integrate permanent playable elements within the outdoor space and/or building facades/blank walls to welcome children and their families to use shared areas for play. Consider playable elements for various ages and abilities including: • Areas for toddler play with a focus on sensory experiences with water, sand and nature play. • Zones for primary school aged children and teenagers focusing on more active play opportunities such as scooters, table tennis and creative play. • Vegetable gardens, tables and seating for encouraging intergenerational interaction. • Play elements such as chalk boards, climbing structures and games on blank walls and/or in underutilised spaces. 3 4

Integrate shared outdoor storage for loose toys and larger equipment such as gardening tools, bikes, and scooters to enable self-directed play and provide residents with a sense of ownership of communal areas. Storage areas should be waterproof, visible and easily accessible by children. Consider the location of playable elements under trees or shading devices to ensure sufficient sun and UV protection throughout the summer months. 37 Provide access to an outdoor tap to allow for water play and gardening activities, as well as wash-down of toys. Consider the acoustics of the communal outdoor area design, including surfaces and the location of play spaces.






Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide

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