WSLHD_CPH_Healthy High Density Living for Families with Chil

1.4 Flexible Community Rooms

Why it’s important Evidence shows that parents valued social opportunities for their child/children and it was evident that a communal building space would help to facilitate and strengthen their own social connections in the community. 8, 10 Designing quality, flexible community rooms enables regular gathering of familiar children and carers and provides opportunities for organic friendships to form. Having stronger connections to other residents also contributes to feelings of safety and belonging.

How it can be done Indoor communal rooms should be designed to create the opportunity to externalise activities from the home which require more space or acoustic separation including birthday parties, music practice or large craft projects. Communal rooms can also support and accommodate residents’ working from home needs. As with playable outdoor space, strata management has a role in regulating the use and maintenance of community rooms. The inclusion from the outset of well-designed and flexible community rooms signals to residents, whether they are owners or renters, the intended use of this space.

Images 19 and 20: Opportunities for a range of activities should be provided within flexible communal rooms including space for games, socialising or dining together.

Image 21: Smaller spaces which are acoustically sealed and enabled with technology (TV screen and power-points) can provide additional flexibility for residents working from home.


Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide

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