WSLHD_CPH_Healthy High Density Living for Families with Chil
• Landscape design responds to the existing site conditions including: - changes of levels - views - significant landscape features including trees and rock outcrops. • Significant landscape features should be protected by: - tree protection zones (see figure 4O.5) - appropriate signage and fencing during construction. • Plants selected should be endemic to the region and reflect the local ecology.
Building Considerations – 1.1 Building Configuration Key Design Guidelines Apartment Design Guide Requirements Design element Guideline implementation YES NO Comments/References ADG min Ratio of 3-bedroom apartments 1.1.1 A higher ratio of 3-bedroom apartments are provided, in line with local context and housing needs. From page 19 of the Guide. Objective 4K-1, page 107 From page 19 of the Guide. N/A
Flexible apartment configurations are provided to support diverse household types and stages of life including single person households, families, multi-generational families and group households. Objective 4K-2, page 107
Larger apartment types are located on the ground or roof level where there is potential for more open space and on corners where more building frontage is available.
Objective 4K-2, page 107 Larger apartment types are located on the ground or roof level where there is potential for more open space and on corners where more building
Objective 4O-2, page 115 Landscape design contributes to the streetscape and amenity. Design guidance
From page 19 of the Guide. Where direct access is not possible, ensure
that family-friendly apartments have visibility to communal outdoor space for passive supervision of playing children.
From page 19 of the Guide Where tree canopies do not exist, additional
landscaping (including trees) is provided around the apartment building to increase green infrastructure.
1.1.2 Of the 2- and 3-bedroom apartments in the development, a minimum 25% are larger
family-friendly apartments as per section 1.2.
1.1.3 Family-friendly apartments are located on ground or podium level, with direct access to outdoor space.
Green outlook 1.1.4 Apartment buildings are positioned to
utilise the surrounding landscape and/or tree canopy to maximise a green outlook.
About: The Checklist includes the key design guidelines within the Buildings Considerations section of the Guide and where relevant provides a comparison to the Apartment Design Guide (ADG) requirements. Some of the recommendations listed are beyond the ADG minimum standards. Percentage of family friendly apartments Location of family-friendly apartments
Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide Building Considerations Checklist Healthy Higher Density Living for Families with Children: An Advocacy, Planning and Design Guide
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