Safety & Quality Account 2020-21 | 2021-22 Future Priorities

WSLHD Achievements in 2020-2021 WSLHD Safety & Quality Account

WSLHD VACCINATION CLINIC The COVID-19 pandemic has brought considerable challenges to global health systems. As part of the largest hospital complex in the southern hemisphere, Westmead Hospital has taken a critical leadership role in the inpatient care of COVID-19 patients. WSLHD has aimed to ensure staff are skilled to be able to commence working in the vaccination hubs in support of the public health response and provision of COVID-19 vaccination. The WSLHD COVID-19 vaccination training program, with a ‘train the trainer’ approach has allowed the for rapid deployment of trained staff to meet the expanding needs of the vaccination program and vaccination centres including Blacktown and Westmead Hospitals, Homebush and Qudos Bank Arena vaccination hubs.

PHOTO: Westmead COVID-19 Vaccination Staff relatives getting the jab with newborn. Left to right: Sarah Thompson, Baby Charlotte, Steven Thompson.


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