NSW Health WSLHD Safety & Quality Account 2020-21

WSLHD Consumer Council The WSLHD Consumer Council partners with staff to improve healthcare experiences and outcomes that meet the diverse needs of Western Sydney.

Consumer Representatives are the link between a consumer (someone who uses our health service) and staff to support and improve the safety and quality of healthcare. Consumer Representatives help health system change, bring equity to the consumer voice and co-design to improve human centred care and patient and staff experiences.

By valuing lived experience in the design, planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the healthcare system, it makes sure that patients receive safe, and high-quality care. The Council sets a culture of partnering with staff to embed consumer engagement at all levels to make sure we meet patient, client and carer needs, giving a more holistic patient-centered healthcare system.

IN 2022:

69 Consumer

60 Expressions of interest were received

Representatives across WSLHD

27% of our consumers are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

51 interview panels included consumers

52% Of consumers identify as male

280 years of collective service

48% of consumers identify as female

6% of our consumers report they have a disability

Safety & Quality Account 2022-2023 Western Sydney Local Health District


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